
Progressive videos of the puppies, this is a warts and all collection of this litter's gaiting development . . . . . . . . .

Videos of Alaqadar A Whiter Shade of Pale, Impossible Dream and Unchained Melody



These videos illustrate the considerable variation in the puppies gaiting skills,  It will be another
12 months or so before the pups develop sufficient pastern development and strength,            
this coupled with synchronicity and co ordination (the genetic or well spring factors we cannot
see), before we can establish the true calibre of their gait and the quality of their through          
stepping action.         
Several of this dams siblings, those with the shorter backs as pups, developed into the surest  
footed through steppers, whilst maintaining a square / compact conformation.                        
A videos history of this current litter of pups will published.           Follow up videos will be at
nine, twelve and fifteen months. My essay on gait and the importance of head carriage  can be
read  by clicking on this link. There is also follow up video of  the puppy in the essay and his  
development now he is16 months and reaching his full gaiting potential. .    View                     



Videos of Alaqadar Dog with No Name,   A Kind of Majic.

Videos of Alaqadar Moon Shadow,  Fleetfoot Mac,  Mac The Knife.


Litter Pedigree Details

Progressive ageing images

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M and Guy video