USA Ch. Jovans Cruise Control. x .Aust. Ch. Alaqadar Cimabue
. 10-04-2010.   5 dogs 3 bitches

Progressive  image history of the puppies as they grow

Puppies have now reach 6 months, the image above gives a progressive impression of their development, some looking decidely wombel like others
have maintained angularity. Next photo shoot will be at 9 months then 12 months.

Head studies at 20 weeeks of age


The pups are now 20 weeks with some loosing some angularity as they shoot u  .                  
These pups will next be photographed at 26 weeks then published. This will provide a          
graphic illustration of the growth patterns and the blending of these two line bred pedigrees  
The pups have strong fore and hindquarters, along with well formed tails. Ears are low set,   
all eyes are dark, skulls fine and of good length. Personalities are out going and enjoy          
human interaction, some are more demanding than others. Two of the pups are scented,     
as were three of Cimabue's siblings. All have unrestricted springy gaits.                               

 Donkeys are a new experience and need careful consideration. . . . . .                                

Discretion being the better part of valor.                         What type of dog species are you guys?  


Pedigree information

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email : Alaqadar Afghans


Videos of the Puppies