Litters pedigree. puppies at 11 weeks of age M-Puppies-15weeks Pupps at 14 weeks of age
COI. details of this Alaqadar Mating.
The female siblings are Suductress, Courtesan, Temptress,
Males siblings : Montgomery, Rommel, Bonaparte, Wellington, Barabaldi, Zhukov, Eromenko,
Photographic pedigree
: Rigoletto's COI. Riggs Gaiting
Rigoletto's COI DOB 04-12-2011
Dam : "M's" COI.
"M's" photographic image pedigree.
Development images from 6 - 12 weeks.
That which is. Is, because it is.
That which is not. Is not, because it is not.......Albert E.