                                 3 dogs 3 bitches 3 golds x 3 brindles 2 days old in this photo Born 08-04-2009

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This is a short clip of Cobol despatching two rabbits. He starts with a reconnaisance gallop around the property, until he sights his prey, then takes the first rabbit out. Then notices a second rabbit on the East side of the paddock. He drops the first carcass, Soon returning with his second catch, again depositing it in full view of the kennel mates. There is a small white spot near where he drops the second carcass, this was the first catch. Cobol was playing to his audience.
          Cobol is a compact, slightly shorter than high, an elegant hound, and a through stepping mover, son of Alaqadar Btxd N Btwn
All photos are natural free standing poses. This is Cobol's first mating
Aust Ch Alaqadar Cobol
Sex: Dog : Champion Alaqadar Cobol Date of Birth: 9/07/2001 Colour: Gold BM
Bred By: Terry & Ada Wilcox Stud Book No:
Owned By: Terry & Ada Wilcox Year Titled: 2003
Alaqadar Btxd N Btwn (A.I.) NZ Ch Eros of Juwain (N.Z.) NZ Ch Beau De Jour of Juwain NZ Ch The Sire of Chaucer Lodge
NZ Ch Pazada Beau Shari
NZ Ch. Homaira of Juwain NZ Ch The Sire of Chaucer Lodge
NZ Ch The Pawn of Juwain
Alaqadar Whitzend Aust Ch Kjavu Hunky Dory Aust Ch Karakush True Blue
Aust Ch Kjavu Fancy Fawn
Jalalabad Indisputable Aust Ch Calahorra In Suede
Ashihna Miss Behave at Anjalou JW (U.K.)
Alaqadar Spellbound Aust Ch Dzum The Bees Knees Aust Ch Dzum I'm A King Bee Coastwind Orca (U.S.A.)
Aust Ch Doyen Chamaeleon
Aust Ch Doyen In The Spotlite Aust Ch Kabik's Limelite of Aries (U.S.A.)
Doyen Cassiope
Jalalabad Indisputable Aust Ch Calahorra In Suede Aust Ch Calahorra Boccaccio
Aust Ch Aries In Copper
Ashihna Miss Behave at Anjalou JW (U.K.) Severndene Red Rooster JW
U.K. Ch Ashihna Charmayana
Photo: Terrence Wilcox 13/04/2009

    Ch. Khandhu Rendezvous is also a compact refined btich with excellent natural head carriage. She is the Dam of Ch Khandhu Oh So Posh.
     This mating is a complete outcross, The Wright's COI. below provides the input of the pedigrees in this litter. The blending of  Cobols early or primitive lines from Btxd N Btwn. Cobol's Sires side is only 12-15 generations out from the first UK imports, whereas the dam's side has progressed some 30+ generations from the original UK imports. Juxaposes some old and new lines.

Sex: Bitch       Ch. Khandhu Rendezvous Date of Birth: 14/03/2002 Colour: Black & brindle
Bred By: Paul & Pauline Hewitt Stud Book No:
Owned By: Paul & Pauline Hewitt Year Titled: 2004
Int It Am Aust Ch Xenos Joselito (Italy) Am It Ch Gazon Say What You Mean (U.S.A.) Am Ch Gazon's Cheatin' Heart Am Ch Jorogz' Heart Breaker
Am Ch Gazon's Sound Of Snowflakes
Am Ch Persia's Snow Pixie of Gazon Am Ch Persia's Sandrift
Am Ch Sahiba Sudden Silver
It Ch Miss Sissy del Settebello Int It Ch Sanallah's Jerome (U.S.A.) Int Am Ger Ch Kefalari's Scenario (Switzerland)
Am Ch Sanallah's Pretty Woman
It Ch Oui C'Est Moi del Settebello Int Dk It Ch Boxadan Quartermaster (Denmark)
It Ch Licorice Stick del Settebello
Aust Ch Taejon Hidden Agenda Aust Ch Gengala Hijacked Aust Ch Aboukir High Priority Aust Ch Kabik's The Candidate (U.S.A.)
Aboukir Brazen Sooty
Gengala Strike A Light Aust Ch Taj Mahal Thunder Down Under (U.S.A.)
Gengala When Your Hot
Aust Ch Taejon In Profile Int Aust Nord Swed Ch Enroh Quom INXS Aust Ch Quom Star Spangl'd Banner
Aust Ch Sanshez Supa Centafold
Taejon Misty Moonlite Aust Ch Kabik's Limelite of Aries (U.S.A.)
Taejon Paper Moon
Photo: Khandhu Collection 13/04/2009

         This Wright's COI of Cobol and Rendezvous shows the pedigree to be a "Out Cross Litter"

This is Cobols COI. this shows him to be combination of heavily linebred lines

      Ch. Khandhu Rendezvous's COI is less directly line bred, even so has many duplicated pedigrees

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                      Enquiries Welcomed : terrencew@iinet.net.au
                  Photo's of the pups will be uploaded as they develop

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